Design of a one -room apartment

One -room apartments are the most affordable for young residents of cities. Limited area requires a competent organization of living space and carefully verified design. The correct design significantly increases the comfort of living, even in a small apartment, and immediately raises the bar of the “elite” of housing. Expenses for utilities are significantly reduced, since all modern design projects provide for additional insulation of the apartment and the correct organization of lighting, the kitchen is also equipped with modern technology, which also reduces electricity costs.

One of the modern areas of design is a one -room apartment studio. Such a layout remains the most fashionable and optimal for a number of years. To embody such a design solution, it is necessary to demolish all partitions in the apartment, with the exception of the bathrooms. For apartments in multi -storey buildings, there is a problem of demolition of partitions, since they are supporting structures that are not subject to demolition. For one -room apartments, such a problem practically does not exist, since the room in the apartment is alone, only a partition between the kitchen is demolished. For these reasons, the studio apartment is the optimal design of a one-room apartment.

The entire interior of a one -room apartment is performed in a single style, you cannot make several rooms different in style here. Modern technologies allow you to carry out three-dimensional modeling of the design of the interior of the apartment, select optimal color solutions, and carry out all design and design work using a computer. All changes and additions to the general design project are specified by the owner of the apartment (customer), after the approval of the project, work begins directly on redevelopment, repair, decoration, and t. D.