Xiaomi SU7 electric car immediately failed after 40 km

A Xiaomi SU7 electric car was found in China and failed in record time. According to ITHome, a sedan buyer named Wen from Fujian province said on social networks that his car was blocked just 39 kilometers after leaving the dealership. The electric car had to be returned to the factory.

The problem occurred while driving. SU7 issued messages about a malfunction of the power electronics and the need for an urgent stop. Xiaomi store employees were unable to quickly find out the cause of the malfunction and came to the conclusion that it was necessary to return the electric car to the assembly site.

Xiaomi suspects that the problem may be systemic, and the situation requires a comprehensive review. Most likely, those electric cars that have not yet been delivered to customers will also be checked. The owner of the faulty copy was promised to return the cost of the SU7 and compensate for expenses. They could not replace the broken electric car with a new one, since there were simply no free cars.

Xiaomi’s first electric car is in great demand in China. At the end of April, the order portfolio for SU7 exceeded 88 thousand confirmed applications, while only 10 thousand vehicles had been assembled by that time. However, the company spent only 32 days achieving this target and promised to further increase production volumes.