Why is it worth a rest at least once in Slovenia?

Slovenia is a beautiful and hospitable country in the central part of Europe. The republic borders on Austria and Italy, Hungary and Croatia, as well as part of the territory is located on the coast of the Adriatic Sea. The settlement of the territory of the modern state began 15 centuries ago, and today in Slovenia you can see echoes of a variety of historical eras.

The amazing nature of the country and the variety of landscape emphasize the attractiveness of these places. You can learn a lot of cognitive information about the vacation in Slovenia, for example, here Valanta. . Online. On the same site, find out everything about the burning tours and prices for rest in Slovenia. But it is impossible to convey all the sensations that arise from being in this wonderful country.

Here are just a small list of attractions that should be visited.

Castles of Slovenia

• Prayamsky Castle is one of the brightest miracles not only of Slovenia, but throughout Europe. For more than 700 years, a powerful and impregnable lock on a high rock rises. The deep moat of Erasmus recalls the legend associated with this area. The interior of the castle is repaired and is a museum where, before the eyes of visitors, paintings written in oil, rare copies of weapons and magnificent sculptures appear.

• Lyubvian castle – the most popular and well -known attraction of the capital of Slovenia. The medieval structure was erected in the 9th century and, unfortunately, has not been preserved to this day, the most old building is the chapel of St. Yuri made in the Gothic style.

• The castle of Pia is one of the oldest structures of Slovenia, built on the top of a steep cliff over the crystal pure waters of Lake Lake. The building is surrounded by a magnificent landscape, the beauty of which you can admire long hours in a row.

Architectural masterpieces

The cities of Slovenia are decorated with many magnificent architectural buildings. The chief architect of the country is considered to be Yozhe shoulder, who played a huge role in the formation of the modern image of the republic. Among his creations:


• cock bridge;

• National and University Library;

• Church of St. Michael;

• Parliament of Slovenia.

Monuments of nature

Slovenia is rich in natural reserves and park zones. The main park of the country is Triluvsky National Park. There are magnificent mountains and karst caves in Slovenia, clean rivers and warm lakes, as well as numerous thermal mineral springs, which annually visit hundreds of tourists from all over the world.