Application of marble crumbs

Nowadays, many who heard about such material as marble baby. Kroshka can be made almost any color. What gives the popularity of “marble crumbs”? Everything is very simple – baby is a universal finishing material. Particles of stone are in the composition, give the material of strength and impact resistance. Baby retains its original color and does not burn out in the sun. The material is environmentally friendly.

How to apply marble baby to the walls? First of all, the walls must be treated with a primer. The primer covers the surface, making it monolithic so that the baby does not subsequently fall off. You need to primer the entire surface without exception. You can apply a primer to the walls with a roller, brush, brush with a sponge, etc. D.

If the surface has gloss, then it must be a little cleaned with sandpaper. After that, you can calmly primer the surface.

Now we take a spatula up to 35 cm, collect a little crumbs on it and with force we smear it along the wall. Efforts must be applied so that the spatula is bent. The walls should be processed with a crumb from the corner to the corner. If the area of ​​application is large, the baby must be applied with one entry and in several people, so that there are no junctions. After drying, the baby is aligned with ironing, while each pebble lies in its place.