Which toys are better to buy a child?

The child learns the world through the game. Therefore, it is very important to purchase developing games to the child, with which you can train to count, write, read, read. Such games can help develop certain skills. For example, focusing on, distinguish between shapes, colors, objects, develop a reaction.

It is better for a child to buy children’s development toys, for example, MatTel developmental development centers on the site according to the age of the baby. Because the abilities and psyche of children at each age are different. Consider several age categories.

It is very important for children to know the world on the principle of “touch, try”. Therefore, toys should be strong enough and environmentally friendly. Toys with various sounds and different textures for this age.

Toys of one -year -old children should be all the same durable. But the baby should already learn to handle items correctly.

At two years, the child is already learning the differences between subjects. It is important to teach differences in color, size. Children of this age really like to draw with finger paints and sculpt from the dough.

The most cognitive age is 3-4 years. Right now everything is interesting to the baby. This is the age of thousands of questions and discoveries. It is now interesting to collect designers, simple puzzles, study letters, numbers, music.

It is time to quietly prepare a five -year -old child for school. Developing games of this age help to gain knowledge and develop logical thinking.

At six, it is very important to teach a child concentration of attention and solving more complex problems. Now it is important to buy board games team. It is important for a child to learn how to communicate in a team. These can be large board games that you can play with peers, or chess.

Let the baby not immediately manage to put everything correctly in the game, the main thing is that it is interesting to him. Enough for starting to help him. Then the benefits of developing games will undoubtedly!