Stage of comprehension and repair planning

Typically, many do not pay much attention to thorough planning and compilation of the estimate of the upcoming repair and mistakenly believe that a good result is already guaranteed by large material costs. But quite often in such cases, despite the invested funds, the results do not live up to expectations. And in order not to regret the wasted finances and lost time in the future, at the stage of preparation for repair, you should not in a hurry to think well all the stages of the planned work.

It is worth starting to implement your plans only after the whole picture of the desired result without passes and short -term fragments has developed.

All the details of the future interior should be carefully thought out so that they make up a single whole, and not be a disparate mosaic. Therefore, in order to achieve a good result, it is necessary to either attract to develop interior design to resort to the help of an experienced designer, or try to cope with this task yourself. In the second case, you will have to spend time visiting specialized exhibitions and stores, study the properties and operational characteristics of various materials, technologies of various repair work, as well as familiarize yourself with print media considering these issues.