Honeymoon on the islands

Когда встает вопрос о выборе места проведения медового месяца влюбленные желают отправиться в самые интересные уголки планеты. Islands – an unusual place with a special atmosphere of solitude, shrouded in an aura of romance and bliss.

All you will need to do before the trip is to choose a good and large road suitcase on wheels on this site. In order to fit all things and there is a place for souvenirs that you bring home, you can buy several high -quality suitcases. And only after that you can choose a place of future rest.

Sri Lanka-Exotic Island of South Asia in the Indian Ocean. Huge tea plantations, historical monuments of Buddhism, beaches with golden sand-all this can be found in Sri Lanka. In addition, in all countries of South Asia, a cricket game is very popular.

Hawaii Islands are an archipelago in the Pacific Ocean, with twenty -four islands, have long won the reputation of paradise on earth. The climate of the islands is very comfortable, the temperature rarely rises more than +32 ° C and drops below +16 ° C. Available beautiful landscapes, powerful mountains, thick green jungle. Excursions are held to volcanoes, such extreme types of recreation as diving and kayaking are possible. The Hawaiian party of the LoAU in a traditional Polynesian style will not leave indifferent either.

Fiji Islands are in the Pacific Ocean and are located between Australia and Hawaii and have about three hundred islands. Fiji adore lovers of complete solitude, and crystal pure water, limestone caves, exotic plants and birds have long attracted visitors. On the islands, such recreation types as swimming underwater, kayaks and various campaigns are available.

The Maldives are ideal for those who wish around round -the -clock relaxation and peace. Maldives are a group of more than a thousand coral islands that are located in the Indian Ocean. The islands are famous for the ideal beauty and amazing beaches, allow you to know unity with nature and gain calm.