How to do legs massage to a child

Your child got on the legs! Step, second, third – and he went on his own! See how much it gives him pleasure! And you, dear parents?

But be vigilant! Be sure to pay attention to the baby’s gait, if there are deviations in the position of his legs. Do not be afraid at once-minor deviations of the knees out or inside when walking the baby to 3-5 years is considered the norm. After all, he must somehow keep his balance. And so that various types of leg deformations do not develop, there are a number of preventive measures.

Types of deformation of the legs

In children, they distinguish valgus (x-shaped) and arcant (o-shaped) leg deformations. Both of these defects are acquired and are explained by the over-free load on a fragile musculoskeletal apparatus of a rapidly growing baby, as well as the main reason-rickets that was not diagnosed in early infancy, not diagnosed in time.

More often visit the fresh air with your child, arrange sunshine for him, do massage and simple gymnastic exercises. Do not put the child ahead of time on fragile legs, wait for the nature to take its. Do not throw the baby of one standing in the arena or bed, give him the opportunity to move. After all, crawling is the best develops its musculoskeletal system.

The reasons for the deformation of the legs

Excess weight of the child can also cause such defects, and girls, due to the features of the structure of the pelvis, are much more likely to suffer from the curvature of the legs.

X-shaped leg deformation is diagnosed when, with tightly compressed knees, the distance between the legs of the straightened legs is 5 or more centimeters. To the above reasons for the disease, you can add more rarely, complex defects of the feet, diseases and injuries of the knee joints, as well as congenital thigh dislocation and dysplasia. Changes in the joints of the legs occur – knee and femoral. Along with the joints, the feet are deformed and the flat feet develop. The legs of such a child quickly get tired, his movements become ill -winged, uncertain. The curvature of the spine may develop – scoliosis.

O-shaped legs deformation is easily noticeable in the position when the child presses the feet tightly to each other. The interval between the knees of the baby immediately becomes noticeable, the value of which determines the degree of deformation. The knee joint in such a child is unevenly formed, the ligaments, the strengthening of the joint stretch. Even the bones of the lower leg can be twisted, and in severe cases, the deformation affects the bones of the thigh, which further entails a change in the feet with the subsequent development of clubfoot. The gait of such a child is unstable, he often loses his balance and falls, is not capable of long transitions. Just as in the first case, the child may change posture and scoliosis may develop.

Treatment of leg deformation in children

Treatment of leg deformations is a long process that requires the observation of a qualified orthopedic doctor. The cure is possible. Just be patient and choose the correct method of complex treatment. Do not forget about gymnastics, massage and water procedures . After all, it is these methods that can become the basis of prevention and treatment. Also, allow your child to walk barefoot at home, and if you decide to purchase orthopedic shoes, do not forget to consult a doctor.

Dear parents, your child’s health in your hands!