Preparing for childbirth

Often a woman begins to prepare for childbirth already when she finds out that she is pregnant. But after the thought of childbirth, they are replaced by thoughts about things necessary for the baby, and women often forget to prepare for childbirth physically.

Childbirth – the natural process of female physiologists. For some, this is even a very long-awaited phenomenon. The most mother-nature, every girl has the ability to reproduce offspring. But to make it easier for the future mommy to transfer this period and preparation for childbirth went as efficiently as possible, I want to offer a small note to your attention.

In the cycle of events foreshadowing such a magical event as childbirth, a small basin should be trained. It is easy to do it. It is just necessary between the matter, for example, when talking on the phone or watching TV, take the pose of “tailor” or “butterflies”.

The first pose is performed sitting, while the legs are crossed together.

The second pose, again sitting, only the heels are connected and pulled to the perineum. In this position, the knees are similar to the “wings of butterflies”. They should be moved, imitating the butterfly swings. Thus, blood circulation improves, leather, ligaments and muscles are trained.

From about 6-7 months of pregnancy, experts recommend leading a sex life without a condom. Doctors explain this by the fact that spermatozoa has certain substances that help soften the cervix.

For “female first-and-aids” will be relevant to prepare the nipples for feeding. To do this, take a contrast shower, massage the nipples, giving an elongated shape.

In order to get more detailed information on how to prepare for childbirth, sign up for young mothers’ courses, held in the hospital, where you plan to give birth or visit thematic forums and sites, for example, the Teddy Club portal. There you can not only read the necessary information and tips, but also ask all the questions you are interested in.