Association of space balcony and kitchen

Sometimes you can find the layout of apartments in which a spacious loggia adjusts to the kitchen. For some, she acts as a place of storage of various things.

If desired, these two spaces can easily be combined and create two functional zones, for example, a kitchen and a dining room. To do this, it is imperative to warm the loggia qualitatively so that during lunch it is not too cold. It should also be understood that the dining area on the loggia will be quite small and will be able to accommodate 3-4 people. Therefore, for a large family, this is not the best option.

If there is no way to eliminate part of the wall between the kitchen and loggia, it can be used as a pantry. It is very important to comply with some rules that will avoid a landfill of unnecessary things and clutching the loggia. To avoid this, it is necessary to use various cabinets and shelves.

By removing the window and the door you can make a full bar stand, so that you can sit in the evening with friends. To do this, you need to buy a countertop to the kitchen or make it with your own hands, it will complement such an idea of ​​a couple of bar chairs.

The loggia or balcony makes it possible to realize the most interesting ideas, just make a little effort.