Russian -style house

A pleasant home and cozy atmosphere will always reign in such a house. Comfort and simple rural life in the house – all this unites the country style. This style is perfect for those people who are always in a hurry home after work, who like to spend their free time with the closest and dear people. In the interior of such a house, everything looks pretty simple. A large amount of daylight prevails in this interior. There are many different directions of country style in total. Let’s look at the Russian country style.

The floor in such a room should be made of natural wood. To make the room look more comfortable, you can lay small rugs in the bathroom, in the living room or in the kitchen. It is best to use knitted rugs for such an interior. The walls in the house can either be plastered or finished with a light tree. You can and glue wallpaper with a simple and uncomplicated pattern. If you choose the wallpaper, then give preference to simple vinyl wallpaper. The use of stucco molding on the ceiling will give the room special comfort and comfort. So that the interior of the room fully corresponds to the Russian style, use wood, carpets, natural fabrics and others everywhere.