Design a renovation project

Secure Republican is initially assumed to create a design – a project with which a visual picture of the result of all work is provided.

Repair work was previously carried out taking into account the availability of materials that can be obtained. Today, many rely on the idea that embodies the dream and the relevant technologies and materials are selected for this. A similar approach is considered correct. The customer from the beginning of the process shows what his housing will subsequently become. They can be made and comments, the possibility of their implementation is evaluated, and this helps to obtain the desired result. Когда появилось понятие «евроремонт» были намечены определенные тенденции, касающиеся дизайна интерьеров.

First of all, they were represented by the transition from the forms of rectangular to the rounded; multi -level ceilings with changes, and backlight; decorative elements; niches, arches, podiums; a famous flowing space, when walls are just partitions – a screen to indicate the limits of functional zones. However, such conditions are not considered obligatory for European -renovation. The main thing is the creation of an interior that meets individual tastes, the lifestyle of the owners and their habits.