What are the requirements for overalls

Special clothes are of different types, it is intended for work in various fields of human activity. Overalls should be convenient and comfortable, since a person has to spend most of the time in it.

Many companies order uniforms for their employees. Sewing and the sale of workwear is interested in not only production enterprises, but also trading companies, medical institutions, banking organizations, cafes, restaurants, etc. P.

A number of hygiene requirements are put forward to overalls, it should:

reduce the heat loss of the body,

keep the skin from dirt, dust, chemical, mechanical damage,

correspond to the properties of heat capacity, be a breathable,

ensure freedom of movement, and not complicate breathing, blood circulation.

For the cold season, the uniform is sewn from materials of small thickness and volumetric weight, which does not lose properties with prolonged socks, mechanical influences, in conditions of high humidity.

If the thickness of the material is reduced, then the content of the air is reduced, and, therefore, the heat -gestation properties of overalls are reduced. Natural materials have the best properties for the manufacture of warm workwear. Synthetic fabrics are used for the outer layer to provide protection against wind and precipitation.

For a warm period of the year, clothing is suitable that does not keep warm and well absorbing sweat. Summer uniform for moderate climate, must pass ultraviolet rays, and for a hot climate it should prevent the penetration of ultraviolet radiation. Smooth light clothes are well protected by solar radiation. For summer uniforms, cotton fabric is best suited. Synthetic tissues are polluted faster, they are not hygroscopic, disrupt the skin functions of the skin, accumulates static electricity, and can be the cause of allergic reactions.

The requirements that are presented to overalls can be divided into:

specialized (for each individual group of workwear, that is, for medical, construction, road workers, etc. D.), this includes thermal conductivity, resistance to chemicals, dust resistance, etc.

General (requirements for all groups), these include – hygroscopicity, durability, resistance to washing, etc.

Overalls are indispensable in the service sector. In hotels, cafes, restaurants, except for its main functions, it is also a means of advertising. To emphasize the corporate identity, the company’s corporate symbol is applied to the uniform.

The corporate uniform should be of high quality, practical and, necessarily, beautiful. These requirements apply to the overalls of medical workers, maintenance personnel of restaurants and hotels.