Chicken dishes

Delicate fragrant chicken, it can be prepared in a variety of sauces, frying and stewed. There are very few people indifferent to juicy chicken meat.

Thanks to the appearance of various culinary sites, now chicken dishes can be prepared according to a large number of recipes.

“Crushing shinners of the fraction in mustard sauce”

It will be required: fractional shin

Salt and paprika

sour cream 20%

For sauce: mustard with grains

vineous or balsamic vinegar

Honey and oil.

Grate the legs with salt, paprika and honey, leave for an hour. In an hour, add sour cream to the marinade and leave for another hour.

Put the legs into a refractory shape, pour the remains of the marinade. Put a bake in the oven until readiness.

For crispy crust, you can roll the lower leg either in grated cheese or in panning crackers.

Small advice: if you lay in the shape of the halves of ordinary onions, slightly add -up to them with large salt, then the aroma of chicken intensifies. The onion will give a little juice to which I will soak the chicken.

You can also cover the chicken with ordinary mustard, the taste of mustard in the finished dish will not be felt, and the meat will become even softer and more aromatic.

For the sauce, mix all the ingredients, if desired, add lemon juice and fresh greens.

“Trap in sauce with grapes and vermuth”

It will be required: chicken

The grapes are white

VERMUT white dry


onions and greens of parsley

Corn or potato starch

Cream 33%

Cedar nuts

salt, ground pepper

Season the washed carcass with spices, grate on the outside and from the inside. Mix softened butter with finely chopped greens and grate on top, placing a little oil inside the carcass of the chicken.

Bake a chicken carcass in the oven until cooked.

To prepare the sauce into the cream, pour starch, warm up without boiling. Add and pepper the sauce. Pour almost ready -made chickens with sauce, add grapes to the form and freeze in the oven for another 10 minutes.

Serve the chicken on the leaves of the salad, either for the whole or dividing the carcass of the chicken into portioned pieces.