Changing housing conditions

According to statistics, only 38% of the population of our country are satisfied with their living conditions. The rest may not arrange: the number of square meters, a city or area of ​​residence and much more. But in practice, changing housing conditions is much easier than it might seem.

To do this, you just need to arrange an exchange of a house for an apartment, an apartment for an apartment or house at home. It was possible to do this in distant Soviet times only illegally, today there are organizations that are practically and legally capable of helping your dreams and plans for reality.

It is worth noting that in this way even secondary housing can be changed to a new building. This is especially true for those who do not seem to afford such a purchase, but I don’t really want to take a mortgage. You can easily use the current housing, as part of the amount in payment of the apartment in the new building. In order to do this, the following is necessary:

to select options and book the one that suits the most (you can do this even remotely, both by phone and on the site);

to assess the cost of current housing (the assessment is carried out in accordance with the current market prices for a given type of real estate);

signing an agreement on booking an apartment of interest to you for the next month;

Buying an apartment in a new building.

As you can see, the exchange is not such a complex and laborious procedure. But in the end, you receive the property you have chosen, which meets your requirements and ideas about the perfect.

If you inherited an apartment that does not suit you, want to change the area or just give preference to housing in new buildings, it makes sense to think about a reasonable and profitable exchange. Start choosing options today.