Is it expensive to make an apartment design?

Most buyers of new apartments first pay attention to the design and layout. Now no one will surprise anyone with the same layout of our premises. Therefore, the apartment should not only be cozy and comfortable, but also have a highlight, express your individual style and taste of the owners. Most people resort to their own forces in the repair and arrangement of a brand new apartment. However, for the lack of experience in repair work and the lack of designer feelings, they are forced to contact agencies or familiar designers. Of course, all the services of third -party people go into a penny. To find out for yourself, how much this or that whim in the design of the apartments can cost, you should weigh the pros and cons of. First of all, determine for yourself the amount of work that is planned to be done. It can be work in the bedroom or kitchen, or the whole apartment as a whole. By itself an obvious fact of increasing the cost of design work is the use of expensive materials. A table in a red wood kitchen, juniper stools and a hinged ceiling in the best traditions of the Chinese Dynasty Zhou can be greatly hit by your pocket. The main rule of any designer is compliance with harmony in decorative decoration. The color of the floor and walls must be chosen in the tone of the furniture. Each room in the apartment should be executed in an individual color scheme. But do not overdo it with diversity, otherwise from excess paints can be ashamed in the eyes. Remember that the cost of the design of the apartment directly depends on your requirements and wishes. No one will just do anything to you, they take money for everything and sometimes not small. But in the replacements of money, you get the qualitatively executed and realized financially dreams in the design of your apartment.