Metaloplasty windows installation

After aligning the floors, you can immediately start installing doors and windows. For current city apartments, the best option for choosing windows are metal -plastic and wooden windows. Depending on the functional capabilities of the window are divided into: opening; deaf; swing; single -winged; double -leaf; tricuspid; Turned.

Scheme for the installation of metal -plastic windows

The first steps are the wings of new window blocks are removed from the loops;

Then a protective film is removed from the outside of the plastic profile;

Parts of fasteners are installed on the plastic frame;

The outer side of the frame is faced with a sealing ribbon;

Then they carefully install the frame in the window opening, fixing it with wedges into the side gaps formed between the frame and the opening;

The plastic frame is installed using a level, attached with dowels or anchor plates;

Then the installation metal wedges are removed;

After that, windows are installed and regulated, handles are attached and adjusting the mechanisms;

After that, sealing the design of the window with foam is carried out;

The last touch is the installation of slopes, castings and window sills.