Soda or earthen type of roof

Sod or earthen type of roof can rightfully be called a wonderful place to restore strength, as well as rest after heavy workdays. It is worth noting in advance that all expenses for its device are insignificant, since there is a sale of loaders BU, and as a result you can get a comfortable roof garden on the roof.

This type of roof is not considered a new material that is used to arrange a roof.

It used to be used for the construction of dugouts or one -story buildings.

Today she plays the role of a “living and breathing” roof, since it can be arranged on it a beautiful lawn for relaxation.

Stages of the construction of an earthen or sod roof

Such a roof needs the presence of support columns or a strong rafter structure. The mandatory moment of arranging this type of roof is the laying of the waterproofing layer.

For a roof of turf, you should make a powerful rafter system and a plank flooring, which is covered with roofing material, then with a protective sprinkle that promotes a full -fledged clutch of the coating with the ground. Gravel is poured over roofing material and lay a couple of layers of turf. Moreover, the lower layer is put upstairs with roots, and the upper one is in a natural position.

It should be understood that such a roof requires constant care. The lawns and gardens must be constantly cleaned of weeds so that the roof does not look empty.

The departure is not significant, since the territory is insignificant, and the labor intensity is less than on the personal plot where weeds spread from all sides.