Unlocked Barbie

You are a young mother and have not yet learned how to choose a gift for your daughter among the abundance of dolls? Give her a Barbie doll, she will probably be satisfied. This article will help you learn more about the doll so popular all over the world and make the right choice.

A little story.

Barbie (Barbie) is Mattel’s trademark, from which the girls around the world are in the insane delight. If you ask any girl about what she would like to get on her birthday, Christmas or on any other holiday, then she will answer with admiration: “Barbie!”.

There are many different children’s toys. It can be cars, animal figures, various designers and, of course, dolls. Barbie is a children’s toy, or rather a doll for girls aged 3 to 14 years, and now a not rarely collected object of adults.

For the first time, the Barbie doll was released in the United States in 1959, the creators of which are Ruth and Elliot Handlera. The growth of the doll is 29 cm, and its proportions in relation to a person – 1: 6.

Continuous Barbie.

Barbie dolls can currently be of different nationality, differ in eye color, hair. Dolls can have different types and colors clothes. Today, various Barbie products are produced. There are many models of this doll, as well as its family and acquaintances, a large number of different accessories, stickers, posters, computer games and various stationery. In some countries, including Russia, Barbie magazines are published for children aged 7 to 10 years. There are also many animated films with the participation of this cute young lady.

Choosing as a gift to your daughter Barbie doll, you will make the right choice and please the child with a beautiful toy. The time that your daughter will spend with the doll will give her unforgettable memories.