Option of decorative plaster

The first impression of such a unique design reception as applying decorative plaster is quite ambiguous. In fact, a person never encounters such a material can hardly understand what he is made. And about the method of application to the wall, it makes no sense to guess at all. Although in fact nothing complicated and actually. To create the effect of decorative plaster in your own house, it is enough to have a roller, a spatula and a small imagination. As a rule, for simple banal application of decorative plaster, no special skills are required. Decorative plaster has a number of advantages, among other finishing materials. Perhaps the most noticeable of them is the simplicity of its application. No additional devices are required to apply the plaster to your wall. The material is applied with a simple spatula or roller, in addition, the wall does not need any additional processing. All small cracks and other defects plaster will cover itself. Another important point is a relatively low price of this material, which adds the material even greater attractiveness for the buyer.